For more than a decade, Hospitality Design magazine continues their annual recognition of designers, architects, brand executives, and owners as our...
Wave of the Future
WAVE OF THE FUTUREFor nearly two decades, Hospitality Design magazine has annually honored a handful of designers, architects, brand executives, and...
About Agenda Speakers Wave of the Future Sponsors Registration + Travel
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2024 Agenda
Monday,October 28th3–4 p.m.Optional Design Tours Hotel Bardo Savannah Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD)Transportation not provided, meet at...
AboutHD NextGen Forum—Presented by Hospitality Design magazine, HD NextGen Forum is an invitation-only conference that blends...
Ave Bradley
Complete with lawn chairs, colorful blankets and strategically placed clothespins, a young Ave (pronounced Ah-vay) Bradley triumphantly constructed...
Gray Shealy
An international leader in hospitality, Gray Shealy serves as the executive director of hospitality management for Georgetown University and is a...
Sean Tanner
Sean Tanner co-principal of Cagley & Tanner where he specializes in high-end resorts, spas, and gaming interiors. Tanner has won numerous...